Men and women have their own priorities

Youth is cool and carrots

2018年06月27日 18:20

1. Men should be "cold" and women "hot"

Women living in warm, sunny areas live longer, an Australian study has found. Men living in cooler climates live longer. In life, we will also find that men are "powerful" and afraid of heat. Women are more afraid of cold. Therefore, men may try "cold" health preservation. peking University first hospital of doctor of vice director of center of male zhi-chao zhang suggested that male sauna or hot water bath, the temperature of 37 ℃ ~ 41 ℃ advisable, 15 ~ 20 minutes every time; Efforts should be made to "quit" to use a laptop on your lap, ride a bike or drive for a long time, love to wear tight jeans, sitting in the comfortable sofa for a long time, such as habits, because they can cause compression of the scrotum surrounded, so that testicular temperature rise, reproductive function is affected.

Women need to keep their "heat" alive. Such as bed with about 40 ℃ hot blisters feet, can relieve back pain, promote sleep; When doing housework, use warm water to prevent arthritis and gynecological diseases. pay attention to adding clothes at any time to protect the abdomen, eat less cold, raw and cold food, so as not to be troubled by irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea.

Men get zinc and women get calcium

The difference in physiological structure also determines the difference in nutrient requirements between men and women. When women are menstruating, iron loss will accelerate. After menopause, the rate of bone loss also increases due to hormonal changes, so women need more iron and calcium. For men, zinc is crucial, affecting their testosterone production. Men also lose more zinc per day in normal excretion than women. The dietary nutrient reference intake for Chinese residents indicates that adult women need 11.5 mg of zinc per day, compared with 15 mg for men.

Wang xingguo, director of the department of nutrition at dalian central hospital, said women aged 19 to 50 need about 18 mg of iron a day on average, compared with 8 mg for men. Women before age 50 need about 800 mg of calcium a day, and after age 50 need to "increase" to 1,000 mg or more. Therefore, women should properly eat beef, chicken breast, salmon, animal liver, dark chocolate and other foods rich in iron, as well as dairy products, soy products, eggs and other calcium-rich foods. Men should eat more seaweed, beef, pork liver, sesame, seafood and other foods rich in zinc.

Men hold their tongues and women sleep well

Illness comes from the mouth. Men are at greater risk than women. Beijing chaoyang hospital affiliated to the capital university of medical sciences, professor Shen Yanying said, a man smoking, heavy drinking is significantly higher than the proportion of women, and tobacco contain hundreds of harmful substances, alcohol may lead to more than 60 diseases; In addition, men's health determines that they need to eat more meat, and their eating problems are more serious due to more social activities. Therefore, it is especially important to shut up.

A survey in Shanghai found that 1.7 times as many women have poor sleep quality as men. Shen yanying said that sleep is important for men and women, but women have poorer sleep quality due to personality, psychology and other reasons. Except to try to maintain a sunshine state of mind, a woman can try these "sleep" tip: before sleeping, drink milk, eat some oats and other foods sleeping, 2 hours before sleeping is not vigorous exercise, don't play with mobile phones after 9 pM.
